A downloadable roleplaying game

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"Norull was once ruled by a King and a Queen, and they had a daughter, the Princess. The day she completed twenty-one years, she would inherit her father’s crown and ring and her mother’s necklace and earrings and become the ruler, for her parents were old and tired; but the royal Wizard, secretly a servant of evil forces, killed everyone in the palace with his dark magic, stole the jewels, hid them in dungeons, and fled to his tower. The Princess became a ghost, unable to rest in peace, and her sadness is so strong that it affects the lands around the Palace, making them chilly and gloomy. Without the royal guard, Norull is filled with  monsters, who follow the orders of the Dark Wizard."

The Nostalgia for Norull is a fantasy adventure game for 1-4 players, based on the Push SRD. Its main themes are:

  • Fantasy, adventure, and mystery;
  • Community, journey, and nostalgia;
  • Heroism, manichaeism, and animism.

The Nostalgia for Norull is NOT about greedy, amoral adventurers slaying everyone in their path to become wealthy and powerful.

This work is based on the Push SRD, developed, authored, and edited by Cezar Capacle (https://capacle.itch.io/), and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license  (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


"Norull fue una vez gobernado por un Rey y una Reina quienes tuvieron una hija, la Princesa. El día que la Princesa cumplió 21 años su padre le heredó su corona y su anillo mientras que su madre le heredó su collar y sus pendientes y la convirtieron en la nueva monarca, pues ellos ya estaban viejos y cansados. Sin embargo, el Hechicero de la realeza, quien en secreto era un sirviente de las fuerzas demoníacas, asesinó a todos en el palacio con su magia oscura, se robó las joyas reales, las escondió en un calabozo y escapó de regreso hacia su torre. La Princesa se convirtió en un espíritu que no puede descansar en paz y su melancolía es tan fuerte que afecta a las tierras alrededor del Palacio, lo que ocasionó que se volvieran heladas y sombrías. Con la ausencia de la guardia real, Norull ahora está repleta de monstruos quienes siguen las órdenes del Hechicero Oscuro."

La Nostalgia por Norull es un juego de aventura y fantasía para 1-4 personas diseñado con el sistema PUSH para juegos de mesa. Sus principales temas son los siguientes:

  • Fantasía, aventura y misterio;
  • Comunidad, viajes y nostalgia;
  • Heroísmo, maniqueísmo y animismo.

La Nostalgia por Norull NO gira entorno a la codicia y aventuras amorales donde se asesinan a todos en el camino con el fin de convertirse en alguien rico y poderoso.

La Nostalgia por Norull fue traducido al español por Christopher Silva Picado.

Este Proyecto se basa en el sistema Push SRD desarrollado, escrito y editado por Cezar Capacle (https://capacle.itch.io/) y que fue autorizado para nuestro uso bajo la licencia Internacional Commons Attribution 4.0, cuya versión en inglés se puede constatar en el siguiente enlace: (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


"Norull já foi governada por um Rei e uma Rainha, e o casal tinha uma filha, a Princesa. No dia em que completou vinte e um anos, ela deveria ter herdado de seu pai a coroa e o anel, e de sua mãe o colar e os brincos, e ter se tornado a nova governante, pois seus pais estavam velhos e cansados; mas o Mago real, secretamente um servo das forças do mal, matou todos no palácio com sua magia sombria, roubou as joias, escondeu-as em masmorras, e fugiu para sua torre. A Princesa se transformou num fantasma, sem conseguir descansar em paz, e sua tristeza é tanta que afeta as terras ao redor do Palácio, tornando-as frias e sombrias. Com a ausência da guarda real, Norull está infestada de monstros, que obedecem às ordens do Mago Sombrio."

A Nostalgia por Norull é um jogo de aventura de fantasia para 1-4 jogadores, criado para o sistema Push. Seus principais temas são:

  • Fantasia, aventura e mistério;
  • Comunidade, jornada e nostalgia;
  • Heroísmo, maniqueísmo e animismo.

A Nostalgia por Norull NÃO é sobre aventureiros gananciosos e amorais eliminando todos em seu caminho para se tornar mais ricos e poderosos.

A Nostalgia por Norull foi traduzido para o português por Mauricio Farina.

Este trabalho é baseado no Push – Documento de Referência do Sistema, desenvolvido, escrito e editado por Cezar Capacle (https://capacle.itch.io/), e licenciado para nosso uso sob a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
AuthorTragos Games
TagsFantasy, push, rpglatam, Tabletop role-playing game


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

The Nostalgia for Norull - pages.pdf 2.5 MB
The Nostalgia for Norull - spreads.pdf 2.5 MB
The Nostalgia for Norull - sheets.pdf 316 kB
La Nostalgia por Norull - paginas.pdf 3.9 MB
La Nostalgia por Norull - paginas dobles.pdf 3.9 MB
La Nostalgia por Norull - tablas.pdf 806 kB
A Nostalgia por Norull - páginas.pdf 3.9 MB
A Nostalgia por Norull - páginas duplas.pdf 3.9 MB
A Nostalgia por Norull - fichas.pdf 806 kB

Development log


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I have a question: did you go about creating the ending first and then rolled back? How did you go about it?

If I understand what you mean and if I recall it well, since it all revolves around the Princess, I started creating both the lands and the quest by the Palace.


The use of PUSH is soooooo good in this scenario!



Thanks, pal! :)

I loved it as well! Really nice map-exploring vibe of the old games :)

Just a question about the Ask the Oracle roll:
Wouldn't it make more sense if on a 4 or lower, the result was the UNLIKELY outcome. And you could choose to hold A to roll +1d6 to push for your so desired LIKELY?
Then on a 5 or 6, it’s the LIKELY outcome and on a 7 or higher, it’s a MISFORTUNE?



About your question, let me explain it this way: faced with two possibilities (ex.: does the monster notice me, yes or no?), there is one that would be worse for your hero, but easier to happen (it does notice me), thus LIKELY, and one that would be better for your hero, but harder to happen (it does not notice me), thus UNLIKELY. The way it is, it is more probable that the LIKELY one happens, but you can try to push your luck into the less probable one, risking a MISFORTUNE (ex.: it noticed me even before I noticed it and is gonna ambush me). I hope it's clearer now!

Oooh got it... I'm too used to playing with Mythic variation, I guess - always asking the question with the positive result being the one that is advantageous for my character... But I get it, now, since the worse result of challenges would usually be more likely to happen.. clearer now, thanks!

What a great game Tragos! The design are sooooo nostalgic!


Thanks, pal! The fond memories I have of the hours and hours I spent as a kid on my GBC were a great inspiration indeed.


Added to the RPGLatAm collection (along with a bunch of other things you made).


Thanks, Gabes, you're great!